Inventions & Products
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My inventions span some 40+ years of post-W.W.II activities. A large number of them resulted in products that were put into production.

Here are some brief references to some of my more important inventions and products that resulted from them.


  • 1966: Original concept for playing games using a home TV set; written while Chief Engineer for Equipment Design at Sanders Associates in NH.

    Click images to see enlarged views
    notes2_small.GIF (4069 bytes) notes3_small.GIF (3372 bytes) notes4_small.GIF (4198 bytes) notes5_small.GIF (3978 bytes)
    Click here to view typewritten transcripts of above notes.

  • 1967-68: Development of first-generation home video games by Bill Harrison and Bill Rusch under my direction at Sanders; first light-gun video games ('67).

    pumping game unit_small.JPG (5744 bytes) pic '221 rec CRt light gun_small.JPG (5123 bytes) bwn box w_gun_small.JPG (6142 bytes)
    Click images for enlarged views

  • 1968-74: Demonstration of system for playing video-games over cable-channel in cooperation with TelePrompTer, NYC ('68) and Warner Cable ('73). 
  • 1971-72: Licensing Magnavox to produce home video game; first production "Odyssey" game demonstrated to press by Magnavox 5/72 is production-engineered version of "Brown Box" demo unit built at Sanders by Bill Harrison in 1968-69.


  • 1975: Pioneered microprocessor-controlled, VCR-based Interactive Video Game methods. Invented various systems for nesting data in video signal for real-time interaction between player, VCR-delivered pictorials and microprocessor-generated action-characters on-screen.
  • 1976-77: Ran a group at Sanders under contract to build 6 different video game units for Coleco.
  • 1978: Licensed Coleco to build KID-VID, a preschooler video game using audio cassette tape control and "live" music.
  • 1978: Licensed Coleco to build an interface unit for use between COLECOVISION game or ADAM computer and a 5" version of RCA's Selectavision Video Disc...precursor To Phillips CDI and present CD-ROM game systems.
  • 1978 - Present: Developed many novel interactive hardware and software concepts for video games (Instant Replay; drawing of interactive screen-characters; Interactive CD-ROM game, training and simulation technology. 
  • 2004-2006: Produced an entire line of functional replicas of experimental videogame models built in the 1960's and donated these to the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, NY.

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Electronic Toys and Games

  • 1978-79: "SIMON" hand-held, single chip microprocessor game licensed by Marvin Glass to Milton Bradley - a perennial favorite, still selling briskly after more than 25 years since its introduction in 1978.
  • Simon
  • 1979-81: A series of micro-processor controlled hand-held games including "MANIAC" (Ideal Toy); "COMPUTER PERFECTION" (Lakeside); "AMAZATRON" (Coleco); etc.
  • Maniac
    Computer perfection
  • 1985: "LASER COMMAND", an electro-optical toy for Kenner based on the MASK figure series.
  • Laser command
  • 1987: "Smarty Bear Video", a Galoob product allowing a plush bear to "interact with and talk to his friends" on the screen of a TV set while playing a VHS cassette containing a cartoon and nested data and voice. 
  • 1994: "TV Teddy", a Yes!Entertainment product...another interactive, plush bear based on the "Smart Bear" patent and others (covering Voice signals nested in video signal).
  • 1994: "Sounds-by-Me", an interactive, book licensed to Golden Books (Western Publishing) making use of a novel single-chip voice storage and playback device. It allows kids to record short speech segments prior to reading the book; while reading, pressing buttons delivers these speech segments in the kid's own voice.
  • Recordable Talking Books
  • 1996: "Bike Max", a Milton-Bradley product for bicycles that "speaks" the bike's speed, distance traveled, time traveled; makes horn sounds and has a voice-warning feature to prevent theft. 
Bike Max
  • 2000: Created a line of "Talking Tools" for  Hasbro 


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Electronic Consumer Products

  • 1995: "Chat-Mat", a doormat containing a foot-activated, recordable talking doormat that "speaks" voice messages when the mat is stepped on.
  • Chat Mat
  • 1995: "NeverMiss Motion-Pad" - a passive IR device which "speaks" a user-recorded message when unit is passed within 10 feet (*)
  • 1996: "NeverMiss DigiPad-20 and DigiPad-75"; solid state, hand-held voice recorders (*)
  • 1996: "NeverMiss TimePad", solid state, hand-held voice recorder with time-stamp (multi-message scheduling device) (*)
  • 1997: "TimeFrame" - a recordable, talking picture frame for a variable number of photos (*)
    NOTE: Items marked (*) can be viewed in detail by accessing 
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ICP Products

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