Published Articles and Papers delivered
- 1950 - Voice-Switched Intercom, Electronics 8/50 p.79

- 1950 - Timed-Pulse Oscillator, Electronics 8/50 p.86
- 1950 - Variable Pulse Width Voltage Calibrator, Radio-Electronic Engineering 9/50 p.8A
- 1950 - Cathode Follower Video Response, Electronics 10/50 p.114

- 1957 - Transmitter Cost trimmed by Series Gate Modulation, Electronics 11/57
- 1977 - Television Games: Their past, Present and Future, Gametronics Proceedings 1/77 p
7-30 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 11/77 p.496
- 1979 - Innovative Add-On TV Products , IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 11/79
- 1979 - Telebriefs - A Novel User-Selectable Real-Time News Headline Service for
Cable-TV; paper delivered at CES Chicago 7/79
- 1981 - Personal Electronics - The Home Terminal - Sanders Internal Publication 8/81
- 1982 - Synchronization of Computer-Controlled Video Sources to Video- Disc or Tape in
Consumer Products, Int'l Conference on Consumer Electronics, Digest of Technical papers
6/82 p.158
- 1983 - Ruminations on why we need Interactive Videodisc-player- assisted Home Computer
Terminals, Sanders Intern.Pub 10/83
- 1984 - Come to Your Senses, Digital Deli, Workman Pubs. NYC 11/84 p.227
Articles and Books - (a sampling)
- 1977 - Getting into Games, Personal Computing Magazine 11/7 p.85
- 1979 - Game Inventor just wanted to keep TVs busy, Harris County Physicians' Journal,
Ogden UT 1979
- 1979 - Baer, Rusch recipients of Distinguished Quarterly Technical Achievement Award,
Sanders News 11/79
- 1980 - Baer is selected Inventor of the Year, Nashua Telegraph 5/5/80
- 1982 - Profiling New Hampshire Business, NH Profiles Winter '82, p.24
- 1983 - Video Games Interview: Ralph Baer, Video Games Mag. 2/83 p.32
- 1983 - The Honest to Goodness History of Video Games, Video Review 6/83 p.40
- 1983 - Video game master mind turns sights on education, Boston Globe 8/28/83
- 1983 - Hands On...Meet Ralph Baer, Videography Mag. 12/83
- 1983 - Screen Play -The Story of Video Games by George Sullivan, Frederick Warne Pubs.,
NYC 1983 *
- 1984 - Computer Time Line , Digital Deli, Workmans Pubs. NYC 11/84 p.27
- 1985 - New England's Gift to America, YANKEE Magazine 9/85 p.5
- 1986 - A video game's odyssey, Electronic Business 3/15/86 p.50
- 1989 - Inventors Anonymous, USAir Magazine 12/89 p.36
- 1992 - An Idea, Vision and Hard Work Led to TV Games' Development, Lockheed Today, 7/92
- 1982 - Video Invaders by Steve Bloom, Arco Publishing Inc. NYC, 1982 *
- 1984 - ZAP - The Rise and Fall of ATARI by Scott Cohen, McGraw-Hill '94*
- 1994 - Phoenix -The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames by Leonard Herman, Rolenta Press
*Note: These are books covering Videogame History, "Phoenix" being
the most serious work on video games. As to who did what and when, a
look at Video Game History will
give you the true time-line on video games!
Also read my book:
"Video Games: In the Beginning" where you will find hundreds of
pictures and text showing what really happened.
Go to for ordering information.